Becoming A SAFe® Scrum Master With Planning and Execution

In addition to the Scrum framework, you will also gain insight on team accountability, events, and artifacts, as well as how to motivate your team to use Scrum. Both Scrum Masters and CSMs are adept at performing these roles.If you are unsure where to get started on an SSM® course, this article might just be for you. 

What Is SAFe® Scrum Master (SSM®) Certification?  

The Certified Scrum Master (CSM®) credential is designed to provide professionals who are just getting started with Scrum Management with an understanding of the project management methodology. Candidates can learn Scrum values, which emphasize teamwork, accountability, and incremental progress toward a well-defined goal, during the certification process.

Scrum Masters and Scrum team members who earned the CSM® credential can fulfill the roles of Scrum Master and Scrum Team members. The Scrum Master manages how information is exchanged, but he or she typically acts as a servant leader by enabling self-organizing and self-managing teams to achieve their goals. 

To become a certified Scrum Master, you need to take a two-day (16-hour) course taught by a certified Scrum trainer and pass an exam by answering at least 24 of 35 questions correctly. The Scrum Alliance membership profile must also be completed after passing the CSM® exam. CSM® does not require any prerequisites.


What Are The Advantages of Scrum Master Certification?

Despite the popularity of Agile methodology, the CSM® credential can distinguish you from the crowd. The credential demonstrates that you are an expert who can provide expertise beyond what a conventional project manager can offer.

There is an increasing demand for Scrum Masters because every team requires a dedicated individual who is able to lead and execute different Agile projects. A Scrum Master Certification confirms that you have the necessary abilities and skills that the potential companies are seeking in Scrum Masters.

  • Scrum novices and professionals alike benefit from certification when running large teams across multiple departments using the same framework. Certification enhances your knowledge and helps you overcome obstacles.
  • A Certified Scrum Master empowers you to motivate and lead the team. You’ll walk them through the process and help them work together smoothly. Your Employee Confirmation for a Certified ScrumMaster shows your employees that you can effectively lead agile teams. It also acts as a differentiator to potential employers, demonstrating your superiority over your competitors.
  • This certification can increase your job opportunities dramatically. It makes you more relevant and a better competitor in your field, and will increase your salary compared to your non-certified peers.
  • Furthermore, it equips you with the knowledge you need to help your organization navigate changes and achieve its goals. It also shows an agile mindset, which is beneficial to the organization.

Those who are interested in becoming certified in the CSM® Exam will be required to complete a CSM® training session by CST trainers and pass an online exam following the training. CSM® certification is similar to agile and Scrum certification, enabling professionals to improve their knowledge of agile and Scrum practices, and giving them the opportunity to become a member of the Scrum Alliance for 2 years.


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